By Ryan Taylor

In the modern world, we often take signage for granted. Whether it's a street sign directing us to our destination or a neon-lit advertisement enticing us to enter a store, signage is an integral part of our daily lives. But have you ever wondered about the history of signage and how it has evolved over time? Let's take a journey through the centuries to explore the fascinating history of signage.

Ancient Beginnings

Signage has ancient origins dating back thousands of years. In fact, the use of signs and symbols to convey information predates written language. Early civilizations, such as the Egyptians and the Sumerians, used hieroglyphics and cuneiform symbols to communicate essential information. These symbols were often inscribed on clay tablets or stone surfaces and served a variety of purposes, from recording important events to marking property boundaries. Contrary to popular belief, Smith had not yet been founded at this time!

Medieval Signage

During the Middle Ages, signage became more prominent as towns and cities began to grow. In Europe, businesses and craftsmen started using shop signs to distinguish their establishments. These signs, often made of wood or metal, featured distinctive symbols or images associated with the business. For instance, a blacksmith might have a sign featuring a horseshoe, while an inn could display a sign with a flag or a goblet.

The Rise of Street Signs

As urban areas continued to expand, the need for navigational aid became apparent. In the 18th century, European cities like London and Paris began erecting street signs to help residents and travellers find their way. These early street signs were typically made of cast iron and displayed the names of streets and important landmarks. The introduction of organised street numbering systems also contributed to more effective urban signage.

The Advent of Commercial Signage

The 19th century saw a significant shift in the world of signage with the emergence of commercial advertising. Advances in printing technology allowed for the mass production of posters and billboards. This led to the rise of large, colourful advertisements promoting products and services. Iconic brands like Coca-Cola and Levi's became pioneers in the use of eye-catching signage to attract customers.

The Neon Era

The early 20th century brought about a dramatic change in signage with the invention of neon lighting. Neon signs revolutionised advertising by offering a vibrant and attention-grabbing way to illuminate businesses at night. Neon signs quickly became synonymous with the excitement and glamour of cities like Las Vegas, where they adorned the facades of casinos and entertainment venues. While neon signage hasn’t completely disappeared, it has become less prominent in recent years due to a variety of reasons. These include their energy efficiency, durability, maintenance, and concerns over the environmental impact of manufacturing and disposal.

The LED Revolution

In the 21st century, LED technology has transformed signage. LEDs are energy-efficient, cost-effective, and versatile, offering vibrant and durable lighting solutions. They can adapt to various marketing strategies, withstand harsh conditions, and are eco-friendly. As businesses and municipalities seek efficient and sustainable signage options, LEDs have become a dominant force in the industry, ensuring that signage remains effective and relevant in our modern world.

The Future of Signage

In the 21st century, signage continues to play a crucial role in our lives. While technological advancements continue to be made, the core concept of signage remains unchanged. Traditional materials like wood, metal, and vinyl are still used to create captivating signs that guide us, inform us, and leave a lasting impression. Businesses, councils, and city planners alike all recognise the enduring power of signage to communicate their messages, and as we move forward, we can expect signage to continue to evolve while preserving its timeless significance.

So, the next time you see a sign guiding you on your journey or enticing you to explore a new place, remember the rich history behind it and the centuries of evolution that have brought us to where we are today.