Inexpensive signage that provides an impactful and elegant appearance.  

Experts in Visual Flat Cut Letters applied to internal wall

An inexpensive signage solution, Flat Cut Letters have a similar effect to Built-Up Letters, creating an eye-catching and elegant appearance. Flat Cut Letters are suitable for both internal and external applications. 

Manufactured using state-of-the-art AXYZ CNC routers, letters are available in several different material types including aluminium, composite, Foamex, and acrylic. 

Fixing Types

Letters are applied to substrates with several different fixing types including:

Aluminium: brass, nickel, VHB tape or threaded studs.

Composite: nylon or VHB tape. 

Foamex: VHB tape or nylon locators that are glued to the Foamex.

Acrylic: VHB tape or nylon locators that are glued to the acrylic. 


All Flat Cut Letters are supplied with a fitting template to ensure they can be installed correctly. Letters manufactured with stand off locators are supplied with a vinyl template, and letters fitted with VHB tape are supplied with a vinyl stencil.